Audio Technicians running sound boards
Labor Crews

Power On Productions: Your Premier AV Rental & Labor Partner

At Power On Productions, we are more than just an audiovisual rental and labor company; we specialize in corporate audio visual labor. Our mission is to provide a modern approach to supporting live corporate events with all your labor needs, from warehouse preparation to on-site staffing. We prioritize quality client service and consistently deliver a superior crew for every event, ensuring excellence without exception.

What sets Power On Productions apart is our exceptional team. We blend strong leadership, technical expertise, and strategic thinking, creating a unique workforce that excels in the live corporate audio-visual landscape. Our team includes skilled professionals such as sound engineers, AV techs, stagehands, videographers, camera operators, and riggers, all dedicated to executing flawless events.

Since our inception, we have built a robust network of clients and technicians across the United States and beyond. Join us as we continue to grow and redefine the AV rental and labor industry with Power On Productions!

Power On Productions Audiovisual Labor Crews

New Orleans           Baton Rouge

San Antonio         Dallas
